
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium

If your child requires extra support and has low attainment in English or Maths we provide additional interventions to help your child feel more confident, and gain the knowledge required to narrow the gap between them and their peers. 

Identifying low attaining students

Early intervention is key to identifying students who are on the lower spectrum of attainers. These students are identified through liaising with primary schools during the year 6-7 transition process, observations during summer school and a screening process in their first two weeks with us in September. We want every child to reach their potential with us and realise their dreams, therefore we take this process seriously and with sensitivity. 

English and Maths Mastery

Our academy is an English and Maths Mastery School. That means we are following a specific educational scheme designed to ensure your child becomes a Master of their subject. We are able to use the right resources for each student based on their capabilities to help boost attainment and confidence. 

Students are given an additional 2.5 hours per week catch up time and extensions on this where necessary for those under-attaining. 


Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Report

For information on our catch-up premium, please click on the above button.

In this report you will find information on:

  • How much premium our Academy received this year
  • How we intend to spend the funding
  • What we spent our funding on last year
  • What difference this made to our students
  • How we assessed the effect this had.