We were happy to have assembly with all Year 7's last Friday, focused on concluding students' first week back and all the new experiences they have had.
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A handful of our Leesbrook pupils have been participating in the 0161 Project over the last few months.
Last Friday our Co-Head of School Mrs Mitchell and some pupils made their way around our local community litter picking!
In math's, we engage in a variety of activities to enhance our understanding and skills. Mini Whiteboard . We collaborate to solve problems, allowing us to visually break down complex concepts and share different approaches.
Congratulations to Adam, Haris and Amilah for being our "Spelling Bee" finalists. They will take part in a competition hosted at Oasis Academy Oldham in July!
Last weekend, a group of our Year 8 pupils went on a residential trip to PGL Winmarleigh hall